Patois is the name of the dialect spoken by most Jamaicans. Translating English to Patois might be daunting should you not gain access to a Jamaican Patois dictionary or unless you know any native speakers of the dialect. These things needs to be taken into consideration when translating English to Patois.
One thing to remember is the language spoken in Jamaica is often a dialect. Many Jamaican words were in fact produced by Standard English. However, understandably, there many Jamaican words which have been African in origin, Spanish or borrowed from other languages. It is interesting to note that although a lot of Jamaican words were derived from Standard English, once the Jamaican dialect is spoken, in a moderate or fast rate, it becomes unintelligible to anyone who has no previous knowledge with the dialect. Basically, the Jamaican dialect is just not easily understood by those people who are unfamiliar with it.
Another factor helping to make the Jamaican dialect sound foreign is the fact that many non-English words are already incorporated to the dialect. These foreign test is called 'loanwords' which words were borrowed from various African languages, speaking spanish among other languages.
As stated, lots of the words inside the Jamaican dialect are actually English. Therefore, when someone asks a Jamaican to translate a word to Jamaican, more often than not the questioner might be surprised to learn how the Jamaican word is the identical or nearly the same as the saying in Standard English. Moreover, the sole difference between some English words as well as the Jamaican version of those words is in their pronunciation. Obviously there are exceptions for this.
An additional consideration that ought to be remembered when translating English to Patois is the fact you will find different Jamaican accents and different types of speaking in Jamaica. In certain areas of Jamaica the accent is deeper and different vocabulary enable you to define exactly the same word. This is within spite that the Jamaica can be a relatively small country. Even among Jamaicans these differences in speaking plus accents are recognized.
Translating English to Patois might be daunting if you do not gain access to a Jamaican Patois dictionary or if you do not know any native speakers in the dialect. This information presented some information about the Jamaican dialect. The content also presented a number of key points that needs to be drawn in consideration when wanting to translate English to Jamaican Patois.
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One thing to remember is the language spoken in Jamaica is often a dialect. Many Jamaican words were in fact produced by Standard English. However, understandably, there many Jamaican words which have been African in origin, Spanish or borrowed from other languages. It is interesting to note that although a lot of Jamaican words were derived from Standard English, once the Jamaican dialect is spoken, in a moderate or fast rate, it becomes unintelligible to anyone who has no previous knowledge with the dialect. Basically, the Jamaican dialect is just not easily understood by those people who are unfamiliar with it.
Another factor helping to make the Jamaican dialect sound foreign is the fact that many non-English words are already incorporated to the dialect. These foreign test is called 'loanwords' which words were borrowed from various African languages, speaking spanish among other languages.
As stated, lots of the words inside the Jamaican dialect are actually English. Therefore, when someone asks a Jamaican to translate a word to Jamaican, more often than not the questioner might be surprised to learn how the Jamaican word is the identical or nearly the same as the saying in Standard English. Moreover, the sole difference between some English words as well as the Jamaican version of those words is in their pronunciation. Obviously there are exceptions for this.
An additional consideration that ought to be remembered when translating English to Patois is the fact you will find different Jamaican accents and different types of speaking in Jamaica. In certain areas of Jamaica the accent is deeper and different vocabulary enable you to define exactly the same word. This is within spite that the Jamaica can be a relatively small country. Even among Jamaicans these differences in speaking plus accents are recognized.
Translating English to Patois might be daunting if you do not gain access to a Jamaican Patois dictionary or if you do not know any native speakers in the dialect. This information presented some information about the Jamaican dialect. The content also presented a number of key points that needs to be drawn in consideration when wanting to translate English to Jamaican Patois.
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This paper is trying to explore the postmodern curriculum to adapt the curriculum to the changing society and attempt to seek a kind of innovative curriculum in an open platform and background.
1. Introduction
1.1 Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery and Taubman1 have discussed upon poststructuralism, deconstructionism and postmodern orientation in (Understanding Curriculum, 2005) as important contemporary curriculums. Besides, they have repeatedly discussed the influence of postmodernity on other curriculums during their research on orientation of such curriculums (including politics, race, gender, phenomenology, autobiography/ biography, aesthetics and divinity, etc.), namely, postmodernity can bring these curriculums creative concepts to urge them to transform. It may consider that post modern perspective on curriculum was established based on the study of pre-modern perspective on curriculum and criticism of modern perspective on curriculum. As we go deeper into the field of postmodern curriculum, we find that enthusiastic and positive exploration and creation for future world and future education can be produced through this way of viewing world and education. In particular, the postmodern perspective on curriculum introduced by USA curriculum theorist William E.Doll,Jr. in (A Post Modern Perspective on Curriculum, 1993) is full of innovative and developmental vitality. Reading and analysis of his paper can help us create new view on curriculum and transform teaching & learning method, thus we can facilitate reform and development of curriculum.
1.2 In our modern world, everywhere we can feel the strong power of Modernity, while things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme, there are still many rebellious forces called anti-modernity, which absolutely exclude and oppose any modern things and ideologies, and even try to eliminate modernity and resume tradition. Modern civilization has fully penetrated to every corner of the modern world, modern people can’t live without the modern world; the tide of post modernity that emerged around 60s of 20th century shows what we shall endeavor to achieve. If anti-modernity is to destroy modernity, and then post modernity shall reform modernity and eliminate disadvantages of modernity through query, criticism and denial of such disadvantages. Postmodern curriculums oppose and query such traditional curriculums, and attempt to seek innovations among multiple forms and differences.
2. The influence of postmodern theory on education and curriculum
2.1 Influence of open system on closed system
We shall fully understand that “Object——Action” model reflecting modernism introduced by Tyler is always the fundamental criterion for curriculum development. As a matter of fact, such linear model of seeking correlation between P (object) and P’ (Result of action) by establishing P (object) couldn’t reflect the true value of curriculum for students. Curriculum model introduced by Tyler and Hunter as well as teacher-proof program designed by Skinner are adopted to avoid alterations of constituent factors, which is obviously a kind of curriculum of closed system; as for research on curriculum theory, deconstruction of post modernity disintegrates metanarrative; besides, curriculum theory and research have developed from simplicity to multiple forms, theorists and researchers attempt to seek new theory building beyond curriculum plan of Tyler principle and behavior target, involving gender, race, politics, critical pragmatism, phenomenology, post structuralism, aesthetics, bionomics, deconstruction theory, philosophy, social theory, autobiography, ethno methodology, hermeneutics, theory of literature & art, multi-culture, global theological education and theory of post modernity, etc, which continuously influences and reestablishes curriculum field2(Slattery, 1995). But Tyler(1949, p.11)3actually insisted that student’s interest should be regarded as starting point for further study. When choosing learning experience, Tyler emphasized that student should take the initiative to study from what he has done, but not from what teachers teach him. Tyler’s(1949, p.108) principles of evaluation especially stress local education situation as well as observation on students, interview with students and students’ finished schoolwork as the information source on student study. Many scholars of postmodern curriculum consider that Tyler has developed subject based, reduced and separate curriculum design mode 4(Doll, 1989)and Tyler’s curriculum development mode probably originated from college disciplines5(Slattery, 1995, p.250).In fact, Tyler (1949, p.98)referred to many models of curriculum organization, including subject focus, broad-fields curriculum and integrated core curriculum focusing on questions; Besides, Tyler emphasized that elements of selected curriculums shall be integrated no matter what organization mode is chosen to help students gain integrated viewpoints. Scholars of postmodern curriculum often cite Dewey's Philosophy as their theoretical base. According to Dewey: Educational aims stem from educational experiences & activities and play an important role in educational activities, besides, education has no other object except for education itself; while Tyler claims that educational aims should take priority of scholars' experiences; therefore, scholars of postmodern curriculum consider that Dewey's opinion is superior to Tyler’s opinion. But, these scholars sometimes neglect the similar points between Tyler’s opinion and Dewey’s opinion on education, namely Tyler contended that the educational concept was a kind of social course and social function, both Tyler and Dewey paid much attention to particularity of democratic society, including mutual benefit, interaction, participation and freedom of social relation6(Behar- Horenstein, 2000).Such scholars may also forget that Tyler was the presider of reviewing (The Eight Year Study), while Tyler’s ( Basic Principles of Curriculum and Teaching) originated from the flexible, practical and progressive curriculum7(Thomas & Schubert, 1997)introduced in (The Eight Year Study). What Tyler has presented are the most fundamental activities under any educational situation; Tyler valued object but never initiated behavior target of special height; while later imitation or interpretation were turned into four linear procedures to remember separate object, learning experience, organization and review, thus participants confine themselves to the frame of modernistic linear causality, while neglect what he has planned to convey particularity of dynamic interaction; as a result, the flexible pattern of curriculum theory was changed to rigid pattern; Even Tyler himself never insisted that curriculum model should follow a series of linear procedures. In the postmodern world, various fields of knowledge mix and interact with each other, traditional divisions of sciences and disciplines can’t explain diversities of cultural and social phenomena; besides, discussion of any event involves subjects of various fields, and disciplines are continuously crossing border; thus connotation of curriculum structure is continuously disintegrated and recombined, i.e., the closed system of traditional curriculum is continuously impacted by open system, which can be exemplified by continuous emergences of crossing disciplines. Innovations are constantly emerging through crossings of disciplines. For instance, the combination of math and economics has produced econometrics, thus economics has been increasingly scientific; while the combination of physics and math has broken through the limitation of theoretical physics; the combination of biology and chemistry has innovated in biology, while genetic algorithms has brought about a revolution in arithmetic, namely applying the genetic principles to computer science. Curriculums must be developed from simplicity, separation and reduction into complexity and integrity; while teachers are no longer standers-by in learning arena, and fundamentally new relations shall be developed between teachers and students. Based on such new relations, students disagree to accept authorities of teachers, but query such authorities; students agree to join in teachers’ researches, and teachers attempt to understand students’ experiences, thus teachers and students can know each other well; teachers are willing to help students understand meanings of given suggestions & principles, they are ready to accept student’s contention as well as self-examine their understandings of each other together with students.
3. The Influence of self-organization on organization
According to postmodernism, alterations can be transformed, even seemingly ordinary and common things along with unattractive alterations can enlarge their effects through feedbacks of open system, until they are completely transformed into integrative issues, which produce so called butterfly effect8(Briggs & Peat, 1999). During teaching process, dialogue can inspire originality, while fault is inevitable for dialogue, and it is such fault that urge participants to improve preciseness of their opinions during dialogue; e.g., during class, students’ interpretations to questions can’t be always true at first, such faults help students and teachers realize other possible questions relating to the discussed questions,seemingly plan less questioning and exchanging ideas can sometimes inspire incisive new opinions on something. Such ordered new opinions are produced from seemingly organized classrooms, dialogues and communications, which is a kind of unpredicted self-organization phenomenon; i.e., originalities and opinions produced through self-organization have influenced such organizations as classrooms and curriculums. Alterations of modern system exert positive forces on passive receivers, while modern curriculums shape behaviors of teachers and students by improving environment and teaching methods. According to postmodernism, alterations are internal reorganizations of organisms themselves or their responses to external forces, emphasizing student’s capability of internal reorganization and cultivation; student’s capability is developed through sudden changes, yet not through gradual changes; During dialogue, communication and listening, student’s consciousness is suddenly transformed to reach new level of organization, thus long incubated subconsciousness can spontaneously emerge to encourage new organization of consciousness. Therefore, curriculum shall be combined with supporting and challenging behaviors to help students have enough time to initiatively undertake internal-reorganization under the cycle of state of equilibrium—state of disequilibrium- state of equilibrium. Modern interaction between teachers and students shall be improved profoundly to promote such learning model. E.g. Teachers shall adopt supporting & challenging behaviors as well as consider state of equilibrium and state of disequilibrium; besides, they shall offer students enough time to think.
4. The Influence of mutual interaction on one-way action
Postmodern curriculums are implemented through actions and interactions of participants, which is the recursive implementation of curriculums to be completed through dialogues and self-examinations of participants. The recursive implementation of curriculums is that participants self-examine their acquired experiences, and establish their own opinions and self-awarenesses based on their reflective interactions with environment, other persons and culture. During recursive implementation of curriculums, it is highly important that students and teachers shall evaluate their own actions and have interactive dialogues. If without dialogue, recursion might become simple repetition. The difference between repetition and recursion is that the latter has dialogues during self-examination process. Thus recursion is a kind of open and bilateral process to cultivate research ability and creativity based on thorough self-examination and dialogue. Two key factors are playing an important role in implementation of curriculum. First, all curriculum contents aren’t authoritative to be completely obeyed or accepted, but shall be amended when necessary; secondly, teachers can’t regard themselves as authorities when they teach students, and students needn’t just repeat absolutely authoritative knowledge. On the contrary, teachers shall undertake interactive dialogues with students as participants. During such dialogues, teachers and students, students and students shall be active and always keep critical sensitivity and attitude to consider what other party say, which can verify correctness of one part’s opinion or certain kind of opinion and more importantly, help participants combine different opinions together and amend them based on active mutual discussions to form their own opinions. Each person has different perspective and position, thus they couldn’t have absolutely same view on richness and complexity of things. Dialogues and criticisms shall be developed based on mutual respects to acquire generous returns through multiple angles of view. Therefore, teachers and students together experience transforms during teaching process, where no one can represent truth (one and only or correct answer), and each person has the right of being understood. Thus it can be seen that it is fundamentally different from modern education advocating that students shall experience transforms and teachers can always keep themselves as authorities.
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The Chinese Language and dialects
Each province, each city and even each village speaks their own dialect in China. There are literally hundreds of Chinese dialects in China so much so that each dialect speaker is not likely to understand another dialect speaker from another village or city. Fortunately, Mandarin, the official dialect, is understood by all dialect speakers.
Mandarin is also the common dialect that Chinese from all parts of the world will use when meeting or communicating with one another.
Let's learn a few useful basic and common Mandarin words and phrases that will help you break barriers with your Chinese friends.
How are You? -Ni Hao Ma
Also commonly shorten to Ni Hao.
This is likely to be the first Mandarin phrase that you will ever learn. Useful as a greeting or a ice-breaker. Suitable for use with all ages and professions.
Thank You -Xie Xie.
Another polite term that is easy to remember and use.
Very Good -Hen Hao.
This is useful when giving praise for a job or task well done. Also useful as a reply to anyone who says "Ni Hao Ma?' to you.
Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)
Hen Hao (Very Good)
No Good -Bu Hao.
This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task. Can also be used as a reply to Ni Hao Ma? but may not be such a good reply.
Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)
Bu Hao (No Good)
Very Expensive -Hen Gui.
When bargaining at the shops, this is the best term to use when driving a hard bargain.
Don't want or No -Bu Yao.
This is the best term to use for touts - street hawkers who approach you at every tourist stop to ask you to buy things. Bu Yao....will stop them in their track.
This is beautiful -Hen Piao Liang.
Use this phrase to praise something that is nice or beautiful. May also be used when meeting a pretty girl too!
Taxi -De Shi.
De Shi is the correct term but you should be understood even if you use the English word for Taxi. They sound alike anyway.
Good Bye or See You Again -Zai Jian.
Well, I guess this is another term that will be easily understood even if the English word is used.
Excuse Me -Jie Guo.
There is always a crowd in touristy areas. There are so many Chinese who wants to see the same monuments too. Rather than push your way through the crowd, using the term Jie Guo may just open the path ahead for you!
Receipt -Fa Piao.
Always ask for the receipt or Fa Piao at the shops or from a taxi. This may be useful if you need to complain about a fraud or shoddy product. Also useful if you leave behind your bag or camera in the taxi.
I don't want -Wo Bu Yao.
Useful when refusing a tout or when offered a drink too many at the Dinner table.
Ken Cheong lived, worked and travelled in China for the last 7 years. You may find more such articles at his websites. Feel free to distribute these articles as long as you mention his websites at: and
Each province, each city and even each village speaks their own dialect in China. There are literally hundreds of Chinese dialects in China so much so that each dialect speaker is not likely to understand another dialect speaker from another village or city. Fortunately, Mandarin, the official dialect, is understood by all dialect speakers.
Mandarin is also the common dialect that Chinese from all parts of the world will use when meeting or communicating with one another.
Let's learn a few useful basic and common Mandarin words and phrases that will help you break barriers with your Chinese friends.
How are You? -Ni Hao Ma
Also commonly shorten to Ni Hao.
This is likely to be the first Mandarin phrase that you will ever learn. Useful as a greeting or a ice-breaker. Suitable for use with all ages and professions.
Thank You -Xie Xie.
Another polite term that is easy to remember and use.
Very Good -Hen Hao.
This is useful when giving praise for a job or task well done. Also useful as a reply to anyone who says "Ni Hao Ma?' to you.
Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)
Hen Hao (Very Good)
No Good -Bu Hao.
This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task. Can also be used as a reply to Ni Hao Ma? but may not be such a good reply.
Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)
Bu Hao (No Good)
Very Expensive -Hen Gui.
When bargaining at the shops, this is the best term to use when driving a hard bargain.
Don't want or No -Bu Yao.
This is the best term to use for touts - street hawkers who approach you at every tourist stop to ask you to buy things. Bu Yao....will stop them in their track.
This is beautiful -Hen Piao Liang.
Use this phrase to praise something that is nice or beautiful. May also be used when meeting a pretty girl too!
Taxi -De Shi.
De Shi is the correct term but you should be understood even if you use the English word for Taxi. They sound alike anyway.
Good Bye or See You Again -Zai Jian.
Well, I guess this is another term that will be easily understood even if the English word is used.
Excuse Me -Jie Guo.
There is always a crowd in touristy areas. There are so many Chinese who wants to see the same monuments too. Rather than push your way through the crowd, using the term Jie Guo may just open the path ahead for you!
Receipt -Fa Piao.
Always ask for the receipt or Fa Piao at the shops or from a taxi. This may be useful if you need to complain about a fraud or shoddy product. Also useful if you leave behind your bag or camera in the taxi.
I don't want -Wo Bu Yao.
Useful when refusing a tout or when offered a drink too many at the Dinner table.
Ken Cheong lived, worked and travelled in China for the last 7 years. You may find more such articles at his websites. Feel free to distribute these articles as long as you mention his websites at: and
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As a native English speaker hearing non-natives (especially Asians) trying to speak the English language I sometimes can’t help but chuckle, or cry, over the way they slaughter the words. As I presently reside in Japan and understand the Japanese writing system I have come to understand, in one word, why they tear apart the English language... Katakana!
Katakana is one of the four Japanese writing systems. The other systems being Kanji (the characters ((not cartoon)) you see on tattoos), Hiragana, and Romaji (the Roman alphabet). The early Japanese written language came from China. This system is called Kanji. Through the development of the Japanese language it became necessary to implement Hiragana which is used for words of Japanese origin and Katakana to help in the pronunciation of Kanji.
Still further into the evolution of the Japanese written language, Katakana started being used to help Japanese people pronounce borrowed words from other languages. At this time, the language which has the most borrowed words transcribed into Japanese is English. It is important to note that the Japanese language does not contain the sounds “L”, “R”, “V”, “Si” (as in “See”), “Hu” (as in “Hoop”), “Th” (as in “Thank”), and “Zi” (as in Zebra). There are a few other phonetic sounds that are not originally contained in the Japanese language, but through the further development of the Katakana writing system the Japanese people are able to pronounce the foreign sounds almost like a native speaker.
Another point worth noting is that the Japanese system phonetically combines two of our English sounds per character with the exception of the “N” sound. As an example of this let’s take my name “Scott” and assault it with the Katakana system. “Su Ko Tto” is the basic end result of my name in Japanese. You can see the extra “U” and “O” have been added because of the two sounds per character from the Katakana writing system. Actually if I am to say my name as it should be pronounced the Japanese perceive it as the word “Skirt”. Yes, many young children have had their fun with my name in this respect.
You may think that the Romaji system would save the Japanese from needlessly abusing the English language but it does not. Though Japanese children are taught the Roman alphabet at a fairly young age, their school teachers almost always teach them the alphabet’s pronunciation utilizing Katakana because 1: it is easier to teach the children that way and 2: the Japanese teachers are not able to make the correct distinction and pronunciation themselves.
As children grow up without knowing the correct phonetic pronunciation of the English words they gradually lose the ability to hear and differentiate between them. Soon enough words like “Rice” and “Lice”, “Sip” and “Ship”, “Than” and “Dan”, become the same to the Japanese ear. Though the famous tongue twister may be difficult for us, hearing a Japanese person saying “She shells she shells by the she shore” over and over again (and thinking they are saying it properly) is quite humorous.
What should we do about this? Put an end to English words being transcribed by the Katakana writing system. Have well qualified and preferably native English speakers teach Japanese children the actual sounds of the Roman alphabet. If we work together we may just be able to put a stop to the Japanese abuse of the English language. S.B.
The advent of globalization pushes language learning service industry booming. Why? Because learning a second or a third language undoubtedly gives that competitive edge worldwide. Whatever the reason may be in acquiring knowledge in foreign languages, it definitely opens doors of opportunities. How?
Learning a new language provides better employment opportunities. For example in the United States, people who are bilingual tend to have more job opportunities especially those who can speak Spanish or Italian.
United States has a vast population of foreign language speakers. People treat English as a second language. And it's a basic instinct for people to trust those who can speak their native tongue. Having the ability to communicate with diverse people results to unlimited business prospects. With the assistance of a sound language learning service, one can speak Spanish or Italian and more likely make job opportunities in the U.S. much feasible.
Foreign language learning likewise attracts opportunities in the service industry. Call center industry has been actively searching for people who can speak at least two languages. This means that just through reading references provided by a credible language learning service , a student can actually earn a few dollars through part timing in call centers. It gives that competitive edge over other vying for the same job.
Better preference is also given to medical professionals such as doctors and nurses who can converse with other language. It is because good means of communication between the medical staffs and the patients builds trust and loyalty of the patients.
Having an adept knowledge in other languages benefits all types of profession especially in sales. Professionals who are in sales can get more scope to interact with diverse people through learning different languages. Aside from the ability to communicate, speaking in a client's native language makes it more comfortable for the client. Thus, sales boost can be expected.
Getting a language learning service also has added benefits in traveling. It is a certified advantage when going to foreign countries that one has a sophisticated understanding of the other languages. It allows a foreigner to feel at home when he can communicate with the people efficiently. It is easier for a tourist to get by and mingle to natives when he's confident of what he says. Professionals who are fluent with foreign languages are usually called for travel and business purposes.
Foreign language acquisition not only open doors for business and careers, it also opens doors for new culture and idea appreciation. Learning different languages makes a difference on how a person sees the world and vice versa.
Understanding a new language leads to open-mindedness and culture sensitivity. Appreciation of other culture and ideologies is better done first hand - talking to others.
Aside from culture and travel, language learning service also aids in researching and news gathering. Having the ability to comprehend foreign languages makes it easier for researchers and students to gather information even in other languages.
Learning foreign languages is definitely a plus. With language learning service assistance, knowing a second, a third, or many languages gives that competitive worldwide reach. Language learning advantages are not just better jobs and tangible benefits but importantly, new opportunities with other cultures that widens horizon.
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Learning a new language provides better employment opportunities. For example in the United States, people who are bilingual tend to have more job opportunities especially those who can speak Spanish or Italian.
United States has a vast population of foreign language speakers. People treat English as a second language. And it's a basic instinct for people to trust those who can speak their native tongue. Having the ability to communicate with diverse people results to unlimited business prospects. With the assistance of a sound language learning service, one can speak Spanish or Italian and more likely make job opportunities in the U.S. much feasible.
Foreign language learning likewise attracts opportunities in the service industry. Call center industry has been actively searching for people who can speak at least two languages. This means that just through reading references provided by a credible language learning service , a student can actually earn a few dollars through part timing in call centers. It gives that competitive edge over other vying for the same job.
Better preference is also given to medical professionals such as doctors and nurses who can converse with other language. It is because good means of communication between the medical staffs and the patients builds trust and loyalty of the patients.
Having an adept knowledge in other languages benefits all types of profession especially in sales. Professionals who are in sales can get more scope to interact with diverse people through learning different languages. Aside from the ability to communicate, speaking in a client's native language makes it more comfortable for the client. Thus, sales boost can be expected.
Getting a language learning service also has added benefits in traveling. It is a certified advantage when going to foreign countries that one has a sophisticated understanding of the other languages. It allows a foreigner to feel at home when he can communicate with the people efficiently. It is easier for a tourist to get by and mingle to natives when he's confident of what he says. Professionals who are fluent with foreign languages are usually called for travel and business purposes.
Foreign language acquisition not only open doors for business and careers, it also opens doors for new culture and idea appreciation. Learning different languages makes a difference on how a person sees the world and vice versa.
Understanding a new language leads to open-mindedness and culture sensitivity. Appreciation of other culture and ideologies is better done first hand - talking to others.
Aside from culture and travel, language learning service also aids in researching and news gathering. Having the ability to comprehend foreign languages makes it easier for researchers and students to gather information even in other languages.
Learning foreign languages is definitely a plus. With language learning service assistance, knowing a second, a third, or many languages gives that competitive worldwide reach. Language learning advantages are not just better jobs and tangible benefits but importantly, new opportunities with other cultures that widens horizon.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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It is common knowledge that our nation is a nation of immigrants. Because of being recognized around the world as being "The Land of Opportunity," the U.S. has historically been and continues to be a popular destination for foreigners wanting to come here to learn english and gain experience working for an American company. Historically, many of the associations Americans have had with foreign workers was in the context of them working in a physical labor capacity type job but in more recent decades, an ever growing number are here working in various salaried professional job capacities from engineering to middle management. While their growing presence in the workforce has represented an opportunity for American corporate cultures to gain valuable exposure to alternative non-American approaches to problem solving and thought processes, it has also predictably created communication problems due in large part to the obvious linguistic shortcomings of the foreign expatriates but also in significant part due to the varying degrees of cultural myopia many of us Americans sadly suffer from.
While it is clear that any person who is hired on to be a salaried professional in an American company should rightfully be expected to communicate in English competently, it is far too easy to place the burden of responsibility for effective communication exclusively on the shoulders of the foreign expat worker. I say this because the line of reasoning upon which this misplaced accountability originates from is overly simplistic. It's easy to blame communication problems with foreign expats merely on the expat's perceived linguistic deficiencies totally ignoring or forgetting the fact that effective communication is not merely the product of a sterile exchange of language between two people. There are a lot of subtle but important contributing factors that come into play such as cultural context, linguistic register, collocation, pace of communication, idiom usage, body language cues, and vocal intonation. The first five in that list represent major areas of communication challenge for almost all non-native speakers of English because they are largely learned through authentic experience within that language's concomitant cultural and social context rather than from a formal linguistic education process. Although many (though certainly not all) foreign expats working here are able to communicate fairly competently from a linguistic standpoint, they often can struggle mightily in the other aforementioned communication areas. There is almost no way that a foreign expat could excel in those other areas of communication in English that for their American counterparts come easily and naturally due to a lifetime of exposure to English in an American social, cultural, and educational context. It's quite unfair to expect that a foreign expat could acquire that with ease, regardless of his level of education in the English language. If progress is to be made towards resolving these communication barriers, our biased conventional notions will need to be reexamined and refashioned so that accountability is equally distributed. Let's address these communication challenges from each of the first five subareas of communication that I mentioned starting with cultural context.
Cultural Context
I looked up the definition of "language" on and the first definition listed was; "a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition." Notice how language is tied to people belonging to the "same community or nation" or the "same cultural tradition." What can be inferred from this? I think it's clear that simply being able to organize words together does not necessarily constitute effective communication. Language is indeed a cornerstone of communication but it's critical to understand that language is indelibly linked to the culture that it's spoken in. Without this knowledge of the cultural context that a language is spoken in, it's easy for miscommunication to occur. This even happens between two people who are speaking the same native language but come from different cultural perspectives. For example, in Australia it might be perfectly acceptable to joke with someone by poking fun at a personal attribute like his appearance or a personality trait without it seeming offensive while in the United States, such a form of joking can largely be taken as an affront. Understanding how to use language in its cultural context can be a critical factor in how effectively someone communicates. If this is important even when two people speak the same language natively but come from different cultural backgrounds, imagine how critical it is when one person is speaking the language from a second language perspective and is unfamiliar with the cultural context of that language from where it is spoken.
Linguistic Register
Linguistic register refers to level of formality a person's choice of words is associated with. Look at these three examples:
2) Swim at your own risk.
3) Swimming prohibited when dangerous conditions exist.
All three communicate a similar idea but all three convey the message with increasingly higher levels of formality. Clearly, the last example is appropriate for a public sign but would be a rather awkward way to communicate in an informal conversation. However, that is certainly not to imply that it is not useful to know how to communicate in a more formal manner. All three are perfectly acceptable ways to communicate the same idea but knowing when and how to use each manner of expression separates a novice user of English from a more sophisticated one. Depending on the level of competency and experience a foreign speaker has with English, it is quite likely that at least some would not clearly understand what's being communicated in the second example and many would likely not know what's being communicated at all in the final example. Foreigners that learn english as a second language often acquire a type of macro-level, vanilla vocabulary that is often serves them adequately in informal conversation circumstances but lack the ability to understand and communicate with the subtlety that is required in more sophisticated situations.
Collocations refer to the very specific way that some words need to be paired or grouped in order for a certain idea to be accurately expressed. Phrasal verbs (or pairings of a verb with a preposition) are one of the most common forms of collocations (and also one of the most difficult for foreign speakers of English to master). For example, if you want to express to someone that they need to be sure that a particular task is completed, you would say, "Follow through with this." However, it wouldn't make sense to say "Follow with this." "Take out the trash." isn't quite the same meaning as, "Take away the trash." In America, we would say, "Did you have breakfast?" but we wouldn't say "Did you take breakfast?" When you want to retell a dream you had, you would say, "I had a dream about.." but not "I had a dream with..." There is an ocean of these very specific collocations in the English language that can be next to impossible for all but the most diligent and experienced speakers of English as a second language to master.
Oral Reduction and Pace
One problem that many foreigners discover upon arriving here in the United States is that even if they have diligently studied English extensively prior to relocating to the U.S., they discover that what they studied in their English classes and in their English textbooks doesn't seem to have much relationship to what real people are saying to them in every day encounters. They discover that English is spoken much more rapidly than they were exposed to in their classroom environment and they also discover that spoken English is often reduced, sometimes quite aggressively. For example, an ESL (English as a Second Language) student might learn something like, "What are you going to do this weekend?" However, when he encounters someone in an American office, he'll more likely hear; "What'r you gonna do this weekend?" If the reduction is really aggressive, he might encounter something like; "Whatcha gonna do this weekend?" I've had students who had come to the U.S. feeling quite confident after having studied English for years both privately and in college in their native country only to feel completely discouraged upon arriving here and speaking to real people on the street. They sometimes feel that they were studying a completely different language than what they are hearing on a daily basis.
Idiom Usage
Day to day spoken English is saturated with idioms. It's hard to have a conversation between two Americans that doesn't include idioms. Even the simplest of common dialogue between people can contain numerous instances of idiom usage. For example, two coworkers encountering each other in the hall on a Monday morning might have a conversation like this:
Mike: Not bad. What were you up to this weekend?
John: I just hung out with my wife. We threw some dogs on the grill and watched a little ball on tv.
Mike: Pretty low key weekend.
John: It was alright. How bout you? Did you get into any trouble this weekend?
Mike: Nope. Just laid low with some friends.
So, if you are an American company who has foreign expat professionals working among your workforce, how do you address these challenges? Here are two recommendations. First of all, contract the services of a quality ESL provider. Secondly, assume an equal level of accountability for effective communication with foreign expat workers.
Contract with a Quality ESL Provider
It's important to provide linguistic support to your foreign expat workforce by utilizing the services of a quality ESL provider. How do you identify a quality ESL provider? One of the most important attributes of a quality ESL provider is that they place a high priority on identifying and working with highly qualified and experienced ESL teachers. They also pay them commensurately. At the company that I run, Premiere English, I look for teachers that have had significant practical ESL teaching experience abroad. I just feel really strongly that if you want to reach your students, it is critical that you be able to empathize with them by having been in their shoes at some point. To me, a large part of teaching is not merely imparting knowledge, it's connecting and building a rapport with your students and I feel that my years of teaching overseas were of incredible value in helping me to do that. I also believe that a quality ESL provider also does a good job in assessing a company's language needs and then delivering the service effectively not only on the front end (in terms of quality instruction, a well organized program, and professional instructors who prepare effective classes and consistently show up on time) but also on the backend (in terms of accurate record keeping and invoicing). Sadly, many ESL providers are lacking on both ends.
Equal Accountability
It's important for companies that employ foreign expats to put themselves on the same side of the table when it comes to facilitating effective communication. Creating a corporate culture that promotes a heightened level of self-awareness in situations that require an American coworker or superior to communicate or interact with a foreign expat can be incredibly beneficial. By self-awareness, I am referring to monitoring the way you use English when communicating with a foreign expat. Taking care to remove idioms and avoiding reductions when communicating can significantly improve communication. Observing when an expat might look confused by something you said and taking the time to rephrase what you said in more vanilla language can make a big difference. Not only will communication improve, the confidence and comfort level of the foreign expat will improve. Contracting with a quality ESL company to provide cultural awareness and communication consultation can also be of immense value. That is something that my company Premiere English offers all of our clients in addition to ESL instructional services.
When accountability for effective communication is equally distributed between the foreign expat and his American coworkers, communication issues can be significantly reduced if not eliminated. The fundamental key to resolving these communication issues is understanding that language is not the only component to communication.
Chris Franek runs an on-site language services company in Houston called Premiere English that specializes in providing premium English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction as well as Spanish instruction to corporations, companies, businesses, manufacturing facilities,, and private schools. Premiere English also provides consulting to schools and companies regarding how to more effectively communicate and work with foreign expatriates.
Learning Spanish: Learn Conversational Spanish Online
Cd Learn Spanish Speak
The faster you master the basics however the faster you will be conversing in Spanish. If you are not able to find any students that might be able to help you Spanish teachers can be found in elementary junior high and high schools. "Writing someone's birthday as 5/7 isn't the same as writing it 7/5" Melton said. It would really be a great advantage for us if we know a second language like Spanish. That is because Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages around the world and even if learning the language could be hard, there are ways in which we could learn Spanish words slowly and gradually. Here are some of the best tips that you might want to consider if you are looking for easy ways to learn Spanish words and it is sure that you will have fun while learning. Days of the week numbers and colors are masculine. .
Spanish Language Builder
In fact even English that we are born into takes a while to master with all its intricacies in pronunciation and rules. "There's every reason for someone involved in business to acquire some Spanish survival skills and learning it doesn't mean you're helping Spanish overtake English" she told her students all associated with the Arizona Multihousing Association. That is less than most college courses. See spanish and english short love poems Some people even gain employment in these areas in order to attend Spanish classes as well as pick up the language at work.
Learn Speak Spanish Language
Think Spanish! Audio Magazine published every month is full of high interest articles about Spanish life and culture travel and traditions people and places. Although some scholars had suggested that the integrative/instrumental distinction paralleled the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction others argued that these motivational constructs represented different processes. Depending on your situation you might want to study online or offline but for sure you will want the simplest and bst way that suits your particular time and schedule. Grab more at english to spanish translations software free Get a Spanish-speaking boyfriend or girlfriend. Develop relationships with native speakers. OK, the romance side of things isn't required, but it helps. The more time you spend speaking Spanish, about anything and everything, the faster you'll gain confidence and find yourself speaking naturally. ASL is actually the fourth most used language in the United States so one would imagine that it certainly can be a useful skill to have.
Mp3 Spanish Lessons:
There are many other reasons to learn Spanish like the great contribution of the Spanish and Hispanic American culture in Architecture Literature and Arts. The world is changing and the world that your child will live in as an adult will be very different from the world today. Registration is almost always free for the majority of these sites. Visit online forums. Meet and exchange ideas with Spanish students from all over the world. Ask questions, answer questions, find yourself a Spanish pen pal! A quick Google search will pull a good starting list of websites for students of Spanish. Learn more at The structure of the French language for example more closely mimics the structure of the Spanish language than it does English.
George is an expert in audible spanish translator for over
20 years. More sources at
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information
Cd Learn Spanish Speak
The faster you master the basics however the faster you will be conversing in Spanish. If you are not able to find any students that might be able to help you Spanish teachers can be found in elementary junior high and high schools. "Writing someone's birthday as 5/7 isn't the same as writing it 7/5" Melton said. It would really be a great advantage for us if we know a second language like Spanish. That is because Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages around the world and even if learning the language could be hard, there are ways in which we could learn Spanish words slowly and gradually. Here are some of the best tips that you might want to consider if you are looking for easy ways to learn Spanish words and it is sure that you will have fun while learning. Days of the week numbers and colors are masculine. .
Spanish Language Builder
In fact even English that we are born into takes a while to master with all its intricacies in pronunciation and rules. "There's every reason for someone involved in business to acquire some Spanish survival skills and learning it doesn't mean you're helping Spanish overtake English" she told her students all associated with the Arizona Multihousing Association. That is less than most college courses. See spanish and english short love poems Some people even gain employment in these areas in order to attend Spanish classes as well as pick up the language at work.
Learn Speak Spanish Language
Think Spanish! Audio Magazine published every month is full of high interest articles about Spanish life and culture travel and traditions people and places. Although some scholars had suggested that the integrative/instrumental distinction paralleled the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction others argued that these motivational constructs represented different processes. Depending on your situation you might want to study online or offline but for sure you will want the simplest and bst way that suits your particular time and schedule. Grab more at english to spanish translations software free Get a Spanish-speaking boyfriend or girlfriend. Develop relationships with native speakers. OK, the romance side of things isn't required, but it helps. The more time you spend speaking Spanish, about anything and everything, the faster you'll gain confidence and find yourself speaking naturally. ASL is actually the fourth most used language in the United States so one would imagine that it certainly can be a useful skill to have.
Mp3 Spanish Lessons:
There are many other reasons to learn Spanish like the great contribution of the Spanish and Hispanic American culture in Architecture Literature and Arts. The world is changing and the world that your child will live in as an adult will be very different from the world today. Registration is almost always free for the majority of these sites. Visit online forums. Meet and exchange ideas with Spanish students from all over the world. Ask questions, answer questions, find yourself a Spanish pen pal! A quick Google search will pull a good starting list of websites for students of Spanish. Learn more at The structure of the French language for example more closely mimics the structure of the Spanish language than it does English.
George is an expert in audible spanish translator for over
20 years. More sources at
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information
Find a language partner - I live in California and there are many Spanish-speaking people that live near me but I couldn’t find any that would speak Spanish with me. Once you go through the Learnable you will be ready for the Pimsleur Spanish products—the speaking component of your new language acquisition. People generally find it difficult to be as fluent as natural Spanish speaking people but they are able to speak, write and read the language once they are completed with the online course offered by the free websites.
To face this great challenge, Spanish-speaking PR professionals have to identify the enormous opportunities that other colleagues, fundamentally those whose native language is English, use for their clients, their businesses and, even for themselves. For you, the only possibility of immersing yourself in the language and culture of a Spanish-speaking country is when you’re eating tacos or burritos with a cheap bottle of Spanish red in the backyard. A comprehensive and balanced curriculum integrating all aspects of the Spanish language, reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, phonetics and vocabulary, makes the language study more comprehensive, but keeps it simple at the same time.
A comprehensive and balanced curriculum integrating all aspects of the Spanish language, reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, phonetics and vocabulary, will help make the language study more comprehensive, but keep it simple at the same time. If you speak mainly Spanish in your home invite new English speaking friends over and get them involved in learning Spanish as you cook for them, entertain them and welcome them into your home, visit the local library for bilingual books and fun children’s programs and make learning the new language fun for your child and yourself. Which such a huge and diverse Spanish speaking world community, it’s without a doubt one of the most useful languages to learn a Spanish language course could open up many opportunities in terms of work and travel throughout the Spanish speaking world. When native Spanish speakers via audio or video conferencing deliver classes, Spanish learners can acquire the language almost as effectively as if they traveled to a Spanish speaking country.
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information
Spanish for Kids, Spanish for Children, Teach Kids Spanish
Kids Can Learn Spanish! Spanish for Children
I just got a call from my two year old granddaughter. She wanted to sing "Los Pollitos" to me. You can find this children's classic in most of the collections of songs that we are recommending.
It is perfect for hand gestures. These gestures are ideal for language learning because they imprint the sense of the words as the child recites.
The text is: (translation follows)
Los pollitos dicen pío, pío, pío
cuando tienen hambre,
y cuando tienen frío.
(the kids make gesture of shivering)
La gallina busca el maíz y el trigo;
Le da su comida,
Y le presta abrigo
(the kids make the gesture of Mom hugging her kids.)
Pío, pío, pío
(the kids should ham it up, making a little chick face!)
The little chicks say peep, peep, peep
when they are hungry
and when they are cold.
The chicken looks for corn and wheat;
she feeds them,
and she keeps them warmn
There are many reasons for wanting your children to learn Spanish. We want to help you find resources that will help you with Spanish for Kids.
Some parents are interested in preparing their children for life in today's world where it is important to know more than one language. This is even more important in our hemisphere where it becomes increasingly valuable to know Spanish.
Other people think of the intellectual stimulation that learning a language provides. They think that they can give their children a an additional intellectual challenge in a painless way. Researcher in London, England have determined that learning a second language boosts brain power which remains throughout life.
Learning a language can be a source of pride and self esteem for the child who is fortunate enough to be exposed to learning outside of the classroom.
There are some parents who are concerned that their children grow up respecting the different heritages that surround them. Concerned that the nativist tradition of United States history is always present, many parents, not of a Spanish Speaking background, choose to prepare their children to accept and embrace the Hispanic culture they live alongside of.
Their reason to encourage their children to speak Spanish is based in part on the history of a previous group of Latin immigrants to the United States, the Italians.
"Some social critics were aware of the consequences of sudden assimilation. Mary McDowell, a social worker, wrote en 1904:
'The contempt for the experiences and languages of their parents which foreign children sometimes exhibit... is doubtless due in part to the overestimation which the school places upon speaking english. This cutting into his family loyalty takes away one of the most conspicuous and valuable traits of the Italian child.' She attributed the lawlessness of some of the immigrant children to their disrespect for their parents and therefore for all authority."
(La Storia: Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience, Mangione and Morreale, p. 222)
Reflection on this same national history, and often more importantly personal experience, moves many Hispanic parents to keep their language alive in their children. They want to preserve their heritage for their children by giving them its most evocative and powerful manifestation, the language of their forebears.
Whatever your reason for wanting your children to learn Spanish, this site will provide resources to help you. You will find suggestions and experiences of others who share your interest; you will find songs and stories in Spanish that will enthuse your children with their learning task. A list of links to related sites will lead you to other resources. And you will find that the books you need for yourself and your children have been located and placed at your disposition.
¡Buena Suerte y adelante con su cometido!
Do the Parents Know Spanish?
Although most of us agree that it is a good thing for our kids to speak Spanish, most kids in the US whose parents were born in Latin American countries do not speak Spanish well.
Even if both parents speak Spanish at home, quite often the kids answer their parents in English. Look around at your Latin friends and relatives and you will see that most give up on teaching their kids to speak
Spanish. Chicano and Puerto Rican families seem to have a little better luck than Latinos from other countries with keeping Spanish alive in their barrios but even their younger generation is losing fluency in Spanish.
However, parents who want their children to speak Spanish can go against the current and set the stage for their children to grow up speaking Spanish. It is not easy. Most families fail in their resolve but it CAN be done. Take a look at our bilingual study. How to Get Your Children to Speak Your Language/¿Cómo Lograr que Sus Hijos Hablen Su Idioma? You can find it in This report will give some hints on how to improve your chances.
But it is most important for you to get your kids reading Spanish BEFORE they learn to read in English.
Don't be afraid that it will hurt their English. Unless they are living in a closed Spanish Speaking Barrio,
their English will be perfect. They will absorb it on the playground and in the school. Your job is to keep the Spanish up!
Take a look at the fuller argument presented below for the importance of your kids learning to read FIRST in Spanish.
Finally, another idea for native speakers of Spanish: You may want to review (or study it for the first time) your Spanish. I found one reference for you. Sorry it is expensive; that's because it is used as a textbook. But that will make it easy to use and will surely be complete. Take a look at Nuevos Mundos, Spanish for Native Speakers 2nd Edition, Workbook : Curso de espanol para estudiantes bilingues"
Whether or not the parents know Spanish will determine their strategy for exposing their children to the language. Obviously, parents who do not know the language well will not have native pronunciation.
If their children learn to read Spanish, they may not have the proper pronunciation. This is a tough issue. Some might say that pronunciation is not important for children. However, why not try to expose them to the correct values of the Spanish sounds. Parents should work on their own pronunciation to model as correctly as possible for their kids.
Nevertheless, the value of the parents' involvement in reading and singing in Spanish with their children more than outweighs the disadvantage of the child hearing their poor pronunciation. Much of the damage can be remedied by having the child listen to as much Spanish spoken by native speakers as possible.
So, in general terms parents can fall into one of three groups:
1. those who know NO Spanish;
2. those who know enough to read, even poorly;
3. and those who can model correct pronunciation for their children. All these parents should make sure their children HEAR a lot of good Spanish but obviously those parents who know no Spanish will be more dependent on recordings for their children to listen to. Try to find some good audio resources. Besides the tapes and CDs you might buy or take out of the library don't forget the radio and TV. All parents should expose their children to ask much passive listening of Spanish that they can. In most places there are Spanish language radio stations. TV programs from the Univision network are very widespread.
All of the above boils down to three tactics that are valid for all kinds of parents and all kinds of kids of all ages and level of Spanish.........
1. Passive Listening: Everyone should keep the Spanish radio on as much as possible. Keep the radio or TV on while the childis doing other things. It has to be the sea of sound that they swim in while they are beginning their study of Spanish. The child doesn't have to concentrate on it; they will not be listening to try to understand. After a while they won't even hear the radio but it will be affecting them. Little by little they will begin to anticipate the rhythm of the language, even before they understand they words. They will also begin to recognize certain words.
2. Pattern Response Drills: Those parents who know some Spanish can try to run through all the permutations of the new expressions that the child learns. For example, suppose your child just learned to say. "Pedro tiene cuatro años" rather than translating from the English incorrectly, "Pedro es cuatro". Now to make this new element of the language stick, you should go on substituting different ages and the names of different people. The child will soon be able to say comfortably, "María tiene cuatro años." "Juan tiene ocho años." "Yo tengo tres años." "¿Cuántos años tienes tú?" There are many examples of these drills in most language courses but the parent can generate them herself.
3. Encouragement: Don't correct their Spanish when they speak. Don't interrupt the flow of their conversation. Don't make their speaking Spanish to be another homework assignment. It should be something special, even something "secret" in your family. Kids like the mystery and intrigue of having something special of their own. Their speaking Spanish should be a joyful, non-threatening experience. If they make mistakes in their grammar, correct their errors by using the same expression correctly a few minutes after. Don't come right back at them with the correct form or they will begin to feel conscious of their expression and choke off their freedom of expression.
The Alphabet: If your child is coming up on kindergarten age, you have a wonderful opportunity to teach him or her how to read in Spanish BEFORE they learn the alphabet in English! Why? I will be brief, hoping that you will catch the direction of my thought (and my practice, with both my children and my grandson!)
Spanish is completely regular. They can learn the vowels in one sitting.This is how Spanish Speaking kids learn: from "abecedarios", the same as English Speaking children used to learn from primers. If your child learns to read (even if only simple words) Spanish first, in effect you are giving them a great head start.
You can start the child reading the simple words like Mami, comida, mesa, Papi, muñeca, carro, etc. Basically you are giving them phonics without having to buy any expensive program. You can do them no harm because, they will have a basis of the sounds that DO hold up for English; they will have achieved the satisfaction and boost to their confidence by your enthusisastic affirmation of the achievement when they read "Mami y Papi" and other simple phrases.
As they progress in English they will still have to deal with the irregularities of this language. However, they will have learned the consonants by applying them to completely foolproof regular vowels.
I said I would be brief. I am very convinced of the value of this method. I have no scientific proof, just intuition and my own experience. To work, you have to teach the child to read the alphabet in Spanish BEFORE they begin to learn in English. If they are already learning in English, it will confuse them. But if you get there FIRST, you will do them a great favor! to see a bunch of alphabet resources for you to choose from.
Toys and Games: Of lesser importance but still a possible beakthrough for certain children could be the use of toys and games (board games and others) as a way to sneak in some fun and variety into the learning process. See if Spanish Educational Toys would be useful for your child.
Computer Programs for kids If you or your child is computer savvy or if you want to combine math or science with Spanish you may want to check out the Educational Software for Children in Spanish: Reader Rabbit, Disney, Jump Start and many more...
Some First Recitations
A long time, universal, traditional favorite is "Pinpón"
Pinpón es un muñeco,
muy guapo y de cartón
(the kids smile for "muy guapo",
and act stiff for "de cartón")
se lava la carita
(the kids make the gesture of washing their face)
con agua y con jabón.
Pinpón dame la mano,
(the kids reach out their hand)
que quiero ser tu amigo
(the kids make the gesture of shaking hands)
¡Pinpón, Pinpón, Pinpón!
Pinpón is a doll,
a handsome cardboard doll.
He washes his face
with soap and water.
Pinpón give me your hand,
I want to be your friend.
Pinpón, Pinpón, Pinpón!
Another favorite of our kids was "La Mar Estaba Serena"
Kids like this one because it is easy to follow. The repetition helps them learn the relation between noun and adjective as well as the vowels in Spanish.
The same verse is repeated by using all of the vowels in turn. It begins by the parent singing, "La mar estaba serena; serena estaba la mar". (The sea was calm; calm was the sea.) Then either the parent or one of several children taking turns shouts out, "¡con A!", meaning, "Let's sing it with all "a" sounds"! And you sing, "La mar astaba sarana; sarana astaba la mar."
"¡con e"! "Le mer estebe serene; serene estebe le mer".
"¡con i"! "Li mir istibi sirini; sirini istibi li mir".
"¡con o"! "Lo mor ostobo sorono; sorono ostobo lo mor".
"¡con u"! "Lu mur ustubu surunu; surunu estubu lu mur.
You'll find the kids really like this one.
English (sic!) As A Second Language
It might be interesting to do some "reverse engineering" and look at the world of those Spanish Speakers who want to learn english. Check out
Reading in Spanish for the Parents
If you want to keep up your Spanish. Try to keep reading books in Spanish on a wide range of topics, la familia, la salud, los negocios, el niño, el adolescente, etc. A good source is
Good Luck! Your Kids will thank you!
Step One: Be Proactive!
You won't land any video game tester jobs if you just sit around and wait for a "Game Testers Wanted" ad to appear in the paper. It won't happen. So instead of sitting back and waiting for a miracle to occur, just get out there and find the perfect video game testing job for you.
Head straight to the game companies and developers and apply for testing jobs. Since they aren't looking for you, the only logical step is to actively search for them. Once you find them (which shouldn't take too long), apply for a game tester position with them and then repeat the process for as many different companies as humanly possible.
On your application/resume, brag about all of your video game achievements, such as the consoles you own, the games you've played, the games you own, the MMORPGs you are apart of, and anything else that shows how much experience you have with video games. And if you want to help your cause even further, create a website/blog that talks about video games, gives reviews, previews, cheats, hints, tips, etc.
You have to remember that experience and professionalism count for a lot in this industry. Therefore, the more experience you have and the more professional you are, the better your chances are for getting a video game tester job.
Step Two: Step Out of Fairy Tale Land and Into Reality
You have to realize that video game testing is a job. Yes, it's a really fun job, but it is still a job nonetheless. This means that you have to treat it as such and take every part of it seriously. Don't merely sit down and play the game to have a good time. Sit down and play the game so that you can collect a paycheck when you're through.
Many "wanna-be" testers believe that being a professional video game tester is a "no work, all play" type of career. Honestly, they couldn't be more wrong. Although there aren't huge amounts of work that a game tester must wade through, there are still a few things that he/she has to complete. For instance, filling out reports. Surprised? Well, most aspiring young testers are when they hear that there is actual work involved with video game testing.
Contrary to what you may have thought, you won't be simply playing games and giving your opinion on whether they are good or not. You will actually be testing them. You will play through a game, find any bugs or glitches, and then fill out reports on any problems that you come across. This is to help the developers and programmers locate and fix those problems. You don't have to be an English professor or a college graduate to write bug reports, but you will have to have basic writing skills. Aside from the reports, you will also be required to fill out numerous questionnaires; which are typically opinion based.
As soon as you accept the fact that you'll be doing actual work as a video game tester, you will have much more success finding testing jobs.
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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ENGLISH EXPERT learn to speak English @ your home on Mobile /I-pod /computer or TV part - 1
Friday, February 1, 2013
If you are still waiting for a working permit or stuck at the hands of merciless employers who make you work an 8 hour job yet pay you less than minimum wage, then it's time you consider hopping on board some of these better jobs we have listed that are hiring illegal immigrants.
At the bottom of our list is doing an odd job. Babysitting, washing cars, running errands, cleaning houses and mowing lawns are some of your options. These are very easy and usually will not require you to show legal documents involving a work permit.
Number two in our list is being an online freelance writer. If you can speak english well, or better yet, know a second language, you are in luck because some websites offer jobs for people who can write good English, edit papers or even translate them. You might be asked for some work experience in the field or even ask for your highest educational attainment. Nonetheless, these websites do not require a work permit from the government.
The best job hiring illegal immigrants is participating in paid survey services. These websites are host to some of the biggest companies hoping to have surveys accomplished at a short period of time. By signing up and choosing which surveys you want to participate in, the host website will enlist you to some of the surveys being offered by the companies. You can make from about $20 to more than $200 a month, depending on your performance. The best thing about this is that you can do it at your own time, even in the convenience of your own home provided that you have internet connection and a computer.
GPT Infinity is an equal opportunity employer and by
far the best paying form filling job for illegals.
At the bottom of our list is doing an odd job. Babysitting, washing cars, running errands, cleaning houses and mowing lawns are some of your options. These are very easy and usually will not require you to show legal documents involving a work permit.
Number two in our list is being an online freelance writer. If you can speak english well, or better yet, know a second language, you are in luck because some websites offer jobs for people who can write good English, edit papers or even translate them. You might be asked for some work experience in the field or even ask for your highest educational attainment. Nonetheless, these websites do not require a work permit from the government.
The best job hiring illegal immigrants is participating in paid survey services. These websites are host to some of the biggest companies hoping to have surveys accomplished at a short period of time. By signing up and choosing which surveys you want to participate in, the host website will enlist you to some of the surveys being offered by the companies. You can make from about $20 to more than $200 a month, depending on your performance. The best thing about this is that you can do it at your own time, even in the convenience of your own home provided that you have internet connection and a computer.
GPT Infinity is an equal opportunity employer and by
far the best paying form filling job for illegals.
While international students in general may find it challenging to adapt to learning styles at US MBA programs and to integrate into the student social life, the adaptation process for Chinese students may be especially difficult. Language and cultural differences, as well as differences between US and Chinese educational systems can be a significant obstacle to the successful education and recruiting experiences of Chinese students.
In this article, ZoomInterviews will share our observations regarding the experience of Chinese students at US MBA programs; explain the main factors leading to these behaviors and offer a number of recommendations to Chinese MBA applicants as well as to the management of US MBA programs.
Language difficulties
Many Chinese students have a level of English that will hold them back from successfully communicating with their classmates and competing effectively for US-based positions. They often find themselves struggling to articulate properly in highly competitive internship or job interviews. This problem is extremely difficult to remedy once a student starts his/her program.
While Chinese students learn english as a second language at school, a lack of practicing what they have learned in the English context significantly reduces their ability and confidence in their English speaking.
Chinese students tend to participate in class discussions less than other students.
Chinese students tend to talk in the classroom less and on average ask fewer questions than other students. This lack of participation can further distance them from their classmates, curtail development of their communication skills and reduce their class participation credit.
There are several cultural factors that can explain the behavior of Chinese students:
Differences in learning styles. While teaching and learning varies from institution to institution and from class to class within an institution, Chinese students reported that, in most of their graduate classes, the lecture was the only instructional method and students seldom participated in the instructional process. Their Chinese professors "decided everything as the semester was going" and the students were seldom involved in the instructional process. Lack of "participation" culture and experience can explain less active behavior of Chinese students in the class1. On the other hand, class participation and discussions, as well as asking questions is encouraged in US classrooms.
Concerns about losing face. Many Chinese students reported that they preferred keeping silent in class, not only as a result of their English but also because, as they explained, they were afraid to make mistakes. To avoid losing face, Chinese students prefer thinking carefully about the topic before answering the questions or participating in group discussions. "Long silences in the classroom may not indicate that students are refusing to participate, but that they may be thinking about the answers and need more encouragement from the instructors"1. In the US, asking questions and showing imperfect knowledge of the subject of discussion is not considered a problem. The attitude of professors is that a classroom is a place to learn, to ask questions and to communicate ideas. It's not a one-way process of transferring information but rather, sharing of ideas and learning from each other in the process.
Favoring listening over talking. There are many traditional Chinese sayings that favor listening over talking. For example, "Silence is golden". The more you talk, the less you hear. Chinese believe that if one can be quiet and listen to others, one can learn best. Therefore, the ability to keep quiet, or remain silent, is a virtue that is as important as gold2. As we mentioned before, the US educational system values the exchange of ideas and active speaking during the class.
Social isolation
While virtually all international students from a given country tend to over-socialize with their fellow countrymen (i.e. they spend a disproportionate amount of time with those from their own country and speak their native language), Chinese students as a group tend to do this to a very high degree. This slows down their acculturation to US business and social norms and their ability to effectively navigate their job search within this context.
Chinese students don't have common topics to talk about with their American classmates. While language difficulties partly explain the lack of communication between Chinese and US students, there is an additional factor explaining this phenomenon. Many Chinese students come to the US unprepared and don't have enough knowledge of American culture, social aspects of US life and daily events to serve as topics for discussions. They don't know about what to talk with their US classmates and therefore find it more difficult to integrate socially. Not knowing what to talk about may keep them quiet for a long time.
Differences in non-verbal communication. Even if the conversation starts, sometimes it cannot be carried long due to the misunderstanding of each other's nonverbal communications. For example, to show respect to each other, Chinese do not look directly into people's eyes when they talk. A western person may consider that the Chinese student is being rude or is not interested in the topic2.
Not utilizing all available resources.
Chinese students can effectively assist each other with their studies and job searches. However, they may not fully utilize the career services that their school offers. Culturally speaking, Chinese tend to be hesitant when asking for help from non-Chinese people, which can put them at a disadvantage compared to their classmates who will fully utilize all school resources. This lack of resourcefulness might be partially attributed to not being familiar with the nuanced and sophisticated MBA job search.
Relying on each other and not asking for external support can further limit their understanding of the US interviewing and recruiting process of Chinese students. For example, Chinese students may not be accustomed to the heavy networking that usually accompanies the MBA-level job search and will find it very difficult to adapt to networking processes without relying on guidance of their US classmates or career services.
One consequence of limited knowledge of the US recruiting process is a trend among Chinese students to focus on a limited number of functional areas (e.g. consulting and banking) where they think they have the most chance of landing a job, particularly in the US. This is regardless of whether or not they think they will enjoy the work or if it fits with their long-term career goals. If Chinese students who focused on consulting and banking do not find an internship in either of these functional areas during on-campus recruiting, they may struggle with how to source other opportunities that would fit their career.
Chinese students could consider the following steps in order to improve their educational and recruiting experience in the US.
Improving language skills in advance. Try to improve your English proficiency as much as possible before the school starts. Practice English as much as possible and get exposed to the English language through a variety of sources (e.g., TV, newspapers, internet, movies, etc.).
Speaking in English is more important than avoiding grammar mistakes. Your teachers and classmates will understand that you came from different country and will be patient with your less than perfect communication.
Understand the differences between Chinese and US non-verbal communication. Familiarize yourself with US non verbal communication. Such mistakes as not having good eye contact with your American counterpart can cost you a job.
Don't be afraid to speak in class even if there is a chance that you will provide a wrong answer. US schools value individual opinions, and both your classmates and professors will not consider a wrong answer as losing face. Contrarily, they may be more offended by your silence.
Familiarize yourself with US daily news and events. Learn about US culture by reading daily US newspapers, watching popular TV programs and learning about sports popular in the US. Be prepared to manage a discussion on these topics with your US classmates.
Socialize with your American friends as much as possible. They want to learn more about your country and be open to communication with your US classmates and friends.
Ask career services and your classmates to guide you through the US recruiting process. Explain to them how the job search and interviewing process works in China and ask them to explain how the process you are familiar with is different from the one accepted in the US. Ask about US interviewing styles, networking practices and other nuances of the US recruiting process, such as managing intelligent small talk and writing thank you notes.
On their side, business schools should pay more attention to the cultural differences between US and Chinese students and develop educational materials and workshops to help to Chinese students better integrate into their academic life and recruiting. Business schools should be aware of specifics of Chinese culture and address the most important cultural differences to ensure the success of Chinese students. For example, cultural obstacles for class participation such as concerns about "losing face," overemphasizing of listening over speaking, specifics of non-verbal communication and specifics of the US recruiting and networking processes should all be addressed.
1. Understanding Chinese International Graduate Students' Adaptation to Learning in North America: A Cultural Perspective, Zhongheng Zhang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Juan Xu Brock University, 2007
2. "Why don't they participate?", A study of the Chinese graduate students' classroom involvement in North American, Faculty of Education, Brock University
In this article, ZoomInterviews will share our observations regarding the experience of Chinese students at US MBA programs; explain the main factors leading to these behaviors and offer a number of recommendations to Chinese MBA applicants as well as to the management of US MBA programs.
Language difficulties
Many Chinese students have a level of English that will hold them back from successfully communicating with their classmates and competing effectively for US-based positions. They often find themselves struggling to articulate properly in highly competitive internship or job interviews. This problem is extremely difficult to remedy once a student starts his/her program.
While Chinese students learn english as a second language at school, a lack of practicing what they have learned in the English context significantly reduces their ability and confidence in their English speaking.
Chinese students tend to participate in class discussions less than other students.
Chinese students tend to talk in the classroom less and on average ask fewer questions than other students. This lack of participation can further distance them from their classmates, curtail development of their communication skills and reduce their class participation credit.
There are several cultural factors that can explain the behavior of Chinese students:
Differences in learning styles. While teaching and learning varies from institution to institution and from class to class within an institution, Chinese students reported that, in most of their graduate classes, the lecture was the only instructional method and students seldom participated in the instructional process. Their Chinese professors "decided everything as the semester was going" and the students were seldom involved in the instructional process. Lack of "participation" culture and experience can explain less active behavior of Chinese students in the class1. On the other hand, class participation and discussions, as well as asking questions is encouraged in US classrooms.
Concerns about losing face. Many Chinese students reported that they preferred keeping silent in class, not only as a result of their English but also because, as they explained, they were afraid to make mistakes. To avoid losing face, Chinese students prefer thinking carefully about the topic before answering the questions or participating in group discussions. "Long silences in the classroom may not indicate that students are refusing to participate, but that they may be thinking about the answers and need more encouragement from the instructors"1. In the US, asking questions and showing imperfect knowledge of the subject of discussion is not considered a problem. The attitude of professors is that a classroom is a place to learn, to ask questions and to communicate ideas. It's not a one-way process of transferring information but rather, sharing of ideas and learning from each other in the process.
Favoring listening over talking. There are many traditional Chinese sayings that favor listening over talking. For example, "Silence is golden". The more you talk, the less you hear. Chinese believe that if one can be quiet and listen to others, one can learn best. Therefore, the ability to keep quiet, or remain silent, is a virtue that is as important as gold2. As we mentioned before, the US educational system values the exchange of ideas and active speaking during the class.
Social isolation
While virtually all international students from a given country tend to over-socialize with their fellow countrymen (i.e. they spend a disproportionate amount of time with those from their own country and speak their native language), Chinese students as a group tend to do this to a very high degree. This slows down their acculturation to US business and social norms and their ability to effectively navigate their job search within this context.
Chinese students don't have common topics to talk about with their American classmates. While language difficulties partly explain the lack of communication between Chinese and US students, there is an additional factor explaining this phenomenon. Many Chinese students come to the US unprepared and don't have enough knowledge of American culture, social aspects of US life and daily events to serve as topics for discussions. They don't know about what to talk with their US classmates and therefore find it more difficult to integrate socially. Not knowing what to talk about may keep them quiet for a long time.
Differences in non-verbal communication. Even if the conversation starts, sometimes it cannot be carried long due to the misunderstanding of each other's nonverbal communications. For example, to show respect to each other, Chinese do not look directly into people's eyes when they talk. A western person may consider that the Chinese student is being rude or is not interested in the topic2.
Not utilizing all available resources.
Chinese students can effectively assist each other with their studies and job searches. However, they may not fully utilize the career services that their school offers. Culturally speaking, Chinese tend to be hesitant when asking for help from non-Chinese people, which can put them at a disadvantage compared to their classmates who will fully utilize all school resources. This lack of resourcefulness might be partially attributed to not being familiar with the nuanced and sophisticated MBA job search.
Relying on each other and not asking for external support can further limit their understanding of the US interviewing and recruiting process of Chinese students. For example, Chinese students may not be accustomed to the heavy networking that usually accompanies the MBA-level job search and will find it very difficult to adapt to networking processes without relying on guidance of their US classmates or career services.
One consequence of limited knowledge of the US recruiting process is a trend among Chinese students to focus on a limited number of functional areas (e.g. consulting and banking) where they think they have the most chance of landing a job, particularly in the US. This is regardless of whether or not they think they will enjoy the work or if it fits with their long-term career goals. If Chinese students who focused on consulting and banking do not find an internship in either of these functional areas during on-campus recruiting, they may struggle with how to source other opportunities that would fit their career.
Chinese students could consider the following steps in order to improve their educational and recruiting experience in the US.
Improving language skills in advance. Try to improve your English proficiency as much as possible before the school starts. Practice English as much as possible and get exposed to the English language through a variety of sources (e.g., TV, newspapers, internet, movies, etc.).
Speaking in English is more important than avoiding grammar mistakes. Your teachers and classmates will understand that you came from different country and will be patient with your less than perfect communication.
Understand the differences between Chinese and US non-verbal communication. Familiarize yourself with US non verbal communication. Such mistakes as not having good eye contact with your American counterpart can cost you a job.
Don't be afraid to speak in class even if there is a chance that you will provide a wrong answer. US schools value individual opinions, and both your classmates and professors will not consider a wrong answer as losing face. Contrarily, they may be more offended by your silence.
Familiarize yourself with US daily news and events. Learn about US culture by reading daily US newspapers, watching popular TV programs and learning about sports popular in the US. Be prepared to manage a discussion on these topics with your US classmates.
Socialize with your American friends as much as possible. They want to learn more about your country and be open to communication with your US classmates and friends.
Ask career services and your classmates to guide you through the US recruiting process. Explain to them how the job search and interviewing process works in China and ask them to explain how the process you are familiar with is different from the one accepted in the US. Ask about US interviewing styles, networking practices and other nuances of the US recruiting process, such as managing intelligent small talk and writing thank you notes.
On their side, business schools should pay more attention to the cultural differences between US and Chinese students and develop educational materials and workshops to help to Chinese students better integrate into their academic life and recruiting. Business schools should be aware of specifics of Chinese culture and address the most important cultural differences to ensure the success of Chinese students. For example, cultural obstacles for class participation such as concerns about "losing face," overemphasizing of listening over speaking, specifics of non-verbal communication and specifics of the US recruiting and networking processes should all be addressed.
1. Understanding Chinese International Graduate Students' Adaptation to Learning in North America: A Cultural Perspective, Zhongheng Zhang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Juan Xu Brock University, 2007
2. "Why don't they participate?", A study of the Chinese graduate students' classroom involvement in North American, Faculty of Education, Brock University
One of the most frustrating things about learning Spanish is that, somewhere along the line, students realize that the Spanish they hear spoken by native speakers may or may not be the same Spanish that they had been taught at their university or high school.
Say, for example, it’s your first time traveling in Latin America and you go into a green grocer’s in Buenos Aires to ask the price of a box of strawberries that you saw in the display stand.
“¿Cuánto cuestan las fresas?” you ask, proud of your linguistic skills the complete sentence, the verb that is properly conjugated, the Spanish 101 vocabulary that you remembered at just the right moment.
But instead of smiling and answering your question, the green grocer stares at you blankly, as if you have two horns growing out of the top of your head: “¿Eh?” It’s the reaction that every foreigner learns to know and to dread.
Your problem isn’t that you have a faulty memory in Spain they would have understood you perfectly it’s just that you’ve stumbled across one of the many linguistic variations in Spanish. Whereas in many parts of the Spanish-speaking world “fresas” is indeed the correct word for strawberries, in Argentina they are more commonly known as “frutillas.”
Frustrating? Yes. But should it be entirely unexpected? Just think about English and how many different ways the same thing can be expressed: a truck in the US is known as a lorry in Britain, and the Americans’ bathroom is known by the Brits as a loo; an American eraser is known as a rubber in England, whereas a rubber in the US is . . . Needless to say, the potential for confusion, and even embarrassment, is hardly lacking, especially if you’re a foreign speaker who is new to the language.
It’s no different in Spanish. Languages are big, complex phenomena and the ways we express things are constantly changing. Naturally, after several hundred years of minor mutations, the Spanish spoken in Mexico is somewhat different from the Spanish spoken in Argentina, which in turn is different from the Spanish spoken in Spain.
But that’s not to say that the native speakers from these different countries can’t understand one another because they can. The differences between their ways of speaking the language are most likely to be a source of amusement and interest than anything else, something along the lines of: “You mean you guys say ‘frutilla’? Really? Because here we say ‘fresa’.”
That’s one of the great things about studying abroad: that you can become aware of the things which make language a living creature unpredictable and surprising rather than an artifact from a textbook.
Neutral Spanish isn’t spoken in any Spanish speaking country or city. Becoming aware of regional differences between the varieties of the language, as well as the things which the language has in common and which tie its 400 million speakers together, is part of the fun and the challenge of learning the language.
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